
To apply, you must meet the requirements for the respective training. You can either fill out the form below or use the respective application form.

The application form is temporarily disabled – in the meantime you can apply using the PDF forms on this page.

Do you have question? Contact us!


Training courses

Do you want to apply manually?

If you do not want to fill in your application via the website but do this manually, use the form below. Choose the form according to the education you are interested in. You will then send the completed and signed form to you alternatively posted to:
Svetsakademin i Sverige AB
Åredavägen 21
SE-342 93 Hjortsberga, SWEDEN

IMPORTANT  that you notice the letter with which education is concerned.


Upcoming training courses



Training Training language Week Application deadline Start Place Application
ISO 3834 34 2021-08-10 2021-08-24 Gothenburg/Online ISO 3834
International Welding Specialist (IWS) 36 2021-08-26 2021-09-08 Gothenburg/Online Designer
Assembly Manager ML-N (normal art) 36 2021-08-28 2021-09-10 Gothenburg/Online IWS
Certified Assembly Manager ML-N 45 2021-09-26 2021-10-08 Stockholm/Online ML-N
Certified Assembly Manager ML-K 49 2021-10-29 2021-11-12 Gothenburg/Online ML-N